»The content of most blogs is redundant« – An assertion I made a while ago in an interview. Most of what is offered on the internet is hardly new. So why launch an online magazine? Certainly not to supply more redundant content. Der Feine Herr is about getting directly in touch with my readers. I grew up with rotary phones, vinyl records and the Walkman. I am not a native of the digital world. But I use the means of the digital age to tell my story about products made using techniques of the record player era and before.
The online magazine is about educating, giving insight and to tell the story of people who are devoted to classical menswear. Tailors, shirt-makers, shoemakers. Tie makers, makers of leather-goods, hatters. Manufacturers and retailers.
I do not copy and
paste press releases into my stories or give room for surreptitious
advertising. Journalistic ethics mean a great deal to me, no matter where I
publish: in print or on a digital platform.
Visual content has a great importance for an online magazine. Despite the
saying, photographs do not always say more than 1000 words. The subject of
fashion deals to a great extent with the visible. For us, photographs are more
than complementary, they are essential. The photographers Martin Smolka and
Tommi Aittala are therefore not only suppliers of visual content for Der
Feine Herr. They are co-founders of the online magazine and a part of the
creative collective.